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Error Messages

Started by charlys44, January 09, 2016, 02:03:27 PM

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Now and then I get error messages during playing. I thought it would be good, if I start posting them here. Please let me know, if this is not appropriate.

I'll try to translate the message from German to English:

3738 - Error no 5 in cT1(): The index is out of range. It may not be negative and smaller as the list. Parameter name: index.


I have seen this too, but vArranger does keep on playing.  I'm thinking that it is related to specific styles, but I cannot be sure about it.




If this is coming always with specific styles, you can send them to me, so I can check what is the problem.


I also sometimes same Problems.


I was using the attached style. But before this message I did some clicks on the panic button, because vArranger did not respond anymore and the screen was frozen. After one or two minutes, it started to work again - but then this message showed up.


Is it something that you can reproduce with this style? I have played a C chord 5 minutes and changed variations, but this has not happened

Can you post a screenshot of your MIDIPORTS screen so we can see your actual configuration?


I also sent you the latest version, to check if this still happens


From what I can see on this style events, the latest section is the FILLIN BA (BREAK)  (OPTIONS / MIDI EVENTS LIST)

I can see that the last NOTEOFF is after the fill in bar, and the end track event comes 1 bar later so it can be considered as if you want 2 bars for the fill in break.
Maybe this is the cause of the problem, but I can't reproduce either.


I just had the error again. This time the number in the begin of the error message was counting up fast (> 500000). I could still play the right side, but the accompaniment was not working anymore. It happened shortly after I needed to click the panic button again. This time it was, because of chord recognition was not working anymore. It detected wrong accords all the time. Usually this gets fixed by clicking a few times on the panic button.


This is a sign that your Ploytec midi cable is not good quality, and loose some NOTEOFF events or has not good drivers, or cable has short circuits.
You need to try another USB / MIDI interface. The best ones are ROLAND (UM-ONE MKII)


I have just installed your latest version. This seems to be more stable - at least I could not reproduce the error in 15 min.  :)
I have a Cakewalk UM-2 G cable too. I will try it - once I see the problems again.


Having wrong chord recognition is sign of bad midi interface.
Because some midi accordions are sending tons of bellow expression midi data, this can cause some notes to be skipped by low quality midi interface or driver
This should not happen with the UM-2G


I tested with the UM-2G - but still, I have wrong chord recognition. It happens in almost every piece of music that I play. In this case I stop the accompaniment and then press the panic button several times. Then it works for a (short) while.

In order to find out the reason of this, I was looking at the midi event list. But this list always contain the same 2688 events - no matter what I do. I wanted to see what the accordion sends to vArranger, when the chord recognition does not work anymore. Is there a way to do this?


You can go on OPTIONS / CONTROLLERS to see what is coming in. be careful to not select any line in the table, it will assign your midi notes to a function.

But the chord recognition problem just tells you that one NOTE OFF event has not been received. Even if new notes are perfect, there is still one note in the memory that count in the chord recognition

Maybe you will do some tests, without the style on, just playing bass and left sounds with sustained sounds, and hear if sometimes there is a never ending sound

Are you sure about your midi accordion system? Did you try it already with other setups than vArranger?


I think using the OPTIONS / CONTROLLER window is not a good option for finding that problem. It is just too much data.

Yes, I tried without loading any style, but this worked without a problem. I tried some fast and some slow tunes.

I do have some other problem with my midi accordion, but I think this is the expression controller. Although I keep the bellows closed, sometimes the volume goes down. There is a pressure sensor for volume in the bellows, but I want to switch it off.

Do you know a good tool to detect, if a midi device does not send note off events?


Maybe you can try with this program

Maybe it allows you to show in the keyboard what notes are actually on


I have played on virtual piano both with left and right side. There was not a single note hanging in one hour. I think this happens only during chord recognition.

One additional thing: When the wrong chords are being displayed and played then I can change the chord with I touch one of basic basses, then the chord changes too. But it never changes to the right chord. As I understood the chord should only change when I press another chord. Is that right?


Yes, the bass note enter in the chord recognition. You can also do nice bass movements, just by changing the bass note.

what you can do, is when the chord recognition is wrong, you can double click on the displayed chord. It will display the notes currently in memory.

Maybe this will help us to see what is wrong


I'm trying to remove Hypersonic from my setup for testing. So I went to the RIGHT 1 track and selected "SEND TO MIDI OUT 1", which is the vArranger Software Synthesizer. I also removed the checkmark on "SEND TO MIDI OUT 2", which used to be the HyperSonic VST. Then I go and save the song again with all checkmarks on (SAVE ALL). When I now check the midi out channel of RIGHT 1, it returned to "SEND TO MIDI OUT 2".

How do we change the midi out setup of a song?


The styles tracks are saved with SAVE SONG, the right tracks are saved with SAVE RIGHT SOUND


When I select one of the sounds in the list on the right, which all come from vArranger synthesizer then the output channel on RIGHT 1 changes to "MIDI OUT 1". But when I reload the style afterwards, the output for RIGHT 1 reverts to "MIDI OUT 2". Somehow the song (or style) contains information about the midi out channel. Also I'm a bit confused on how to use the master track for right. It displays a different name and sometimes I have to change the sound on this track, in order to get a different sound for RIGHT 1.

I also tried to change the startup configuration after changing RIGHT 1 to MIDI OUT 1, but that did not help. After clicking on the "Song/Style" on the left bar, it always reverts to "MIDI OUT 2".


You need to SAVE RIGHT SOUND. This will create a new preset with all Rights 1 2 3 4 5 tracks info, including the midi out routings.

To be able to select your new sound, you need to select the RIGHT track, close to the master fader.

When saving a song, you can check the RIGHT sound box, if you want it to be recalled with the song.

You can drag & drop this sound to the MY SOUNDS bar


I have tried many ways to change the midi out of RIGHT 1 and recorded it in a small video. What am I doing wrong?


I am sorry, but the video flickers too much, I can't watch anything


I just downloaded it from a different computer and can view it with VLC player without a problem. But I see that Windows Media Player flickers alot. Could you try with VLC player?


I have converted the video, so it plays with Windows Media Player too.


Yes because, you need to change RIGHT1 track,   and not RIGHT master track

When you click on the right master track, the saved sound is selected again, and come back to MIDIOUT2