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SD4 and vArranger

Started by Bernie9, August 25, 2012, 08:17:58 AM

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I just received my SD4 and am quite happy with it except for the delay in changing banks from the module.  I have not tried it with vArranger yet, and have some questions.

What do I do differently with the SD4 ?  I mean you can edit the programs and how would that apply to vArranger ?
Is an interface needed with the SD4 besides the USB into the pc ?



I can't get the SD4 to work.
1.Midi out from Axiom to midi in(in #2-voice) on SD4
2.USB from SD4 to laptop
3.SD4 chosen in vArranger
4. What midi in and out in vArranger ?


usb  from axio to laptop
usb from sd4 to laptop
in varranger; choose axio for midi input and choose sd4 for midi out
then enjoy...


I appreciate the instructions, but there is no sound.  The vArranger's midi in's and out designated as advised, and the SD4 is in Keyboard mode.  The program is running normally except for that.

Before I tried to use vArranger, I had the SD4 connected to my Axiom and working perfectly.


1.Midi out from Axiom to midi in(in #2-voice) on SD4

this connection is wrong on your setup ... sd4 and axio must be connected to laptop with usb... do not connect axio to sd4 with midi cable!!!


Don't put the SD4 in KEYB mode. Let it on the first mode.


Thank you
I'll try again later.


Hi Bernie,

I will add to confuse you ;D

On my setup using vArranger:
On midi in I select keyboard input (make sure the correct input from your keyboard as I have a choice of 3 from a roland PCR800
which shows up in vArranger midi in)

On midi out I select the device which the SD4 is connected to (in my case a Komplete Audio 6) which is connected to Laptop via USB cable
The SD4 is connected to the Komplete Audio 6 via a midi cable out from Komplete Audio to Input 1 of SD4 midi

I don't use SD4 usb to laptop as that causes issues.

Just make sure that whatever the SD4 is connected to the Laptop is the output source for vArranger

You can use a USB to midi converter cable as output connection. That is one end of the cable is a USB connection and the other end
is a midi 6din connection. Just connect USB to Laptop and midi end to SD4 Input #1.

If you need further help I can show you a screen shot of vArranger midi setup



Hi Lionel
Thanks for chiming in.

I guess I became a little frustrated tying to use my Acer tablet that has only 2 USB ports without attaching the keyboard.  I needed one foe my dongle to authorize vArranger, one for my Axiom controller, and one for the SD4.  I tried using a hub and that didn't work.  Moreover, the USB from the Axiom was not recognized.  Maybe it needs a driver as I never had used the USB on the controller.

When I switched to Din interface and midi plug it recognized everything in vArranger but no sound.  Maybe because Dan said not to use "Voice connection on SD4.

I will read over the reply's again and give it a go.



A USB hub should work ok

I use to use a hub which had 3 connections out of it before I bought my new Laptop.

The Hub was powder by an external source not from Laptop.

With Hub connected I just plugged in the keyboard and it was recognized, I also used SD2 thru a USB to midi converter

Hope you have success in hooking it up. We are sure to help if if not.



I am not one to give up,but I have gone back to my trusty SD2 for vArranger.  I find that I have plenty of other uses for the SD4, like playing direct over SMF files and as a compliment to other keyboards.

As far as the delay in changing banks is conscerned, I can eliminate that with program changes with a controller.  Of coarse, I don't know how to do it yet, but will, I guess.



Hi Bernie,
I noticed that you are using an Acer tablet for vArranger. Can you tell me what model Acer you have & how it works? I am currently looking to purchase a tablet to run my vArranger on.
Thank you,


Hi Wally

I use the Iconia Tab W500.  I chose it for the Win7 OS.  I have other music applications that I need it for.  It suits me fine.



Good one Bernie,

Never give up as that just breeds defeat ;D

As for program changes using your SMF files. That is fairly straight forward. Whatever you use to play your SMF
files whether your keyboard or a program you select SD4 as output source. You will require a Patch file to access the upper banks
or select via numbers if you know them.



Hi Lionel

There are patch tables for program changes in the manual.  Maybe I can store a few as presets in my Axiom, although it may be just as fast to initiate a program change.  I love a challenge, but I am not up to par with you guys as far as midi controllers is conscerned.

Along with my playing schedule, I will stay busy; that's for sure.



I have a question about saving presets in #65 and above.  It looks like you cannot save a complete left and right hand registration.  Is that right ?



Hi Bernie,

Are we talking about saving presets in SD4 itself.



Hi Lionel

Yes, or anywhere else for that manner.

I realize that it is meant to save any modified presets, and in thinking about it, it is not terribly important to save left hand voices.  It is more important to access other banks of instruments.  I don' know much about CC messages.

The good thing about vArranger is that Dan has done all the work and makes it so easy.  As I said earlier, the only time I can't use vArranger is when I am using MidiNotate Composer to stream SMF lead sheets, unless I brought two laptops.



Hi Bernie,

Can I ask that why you want to save custom presets as the SD4 itself has quite a few already available.

I don't save any on the SD4 itself as I just access them thru the program. To access the banks is that the real issue.

I haven't got mine set up right now after being packed from last gig.

I will have a look atMidi Notate composer and compare with what I use and get back to you.



I just wanted different left/right combinations instantly available for quick change like registrations.  It is more important I can get to other lead instruments like Liscio sax,e.g.

I am probably trying to get too much from a module.



These are already in SD4 as presets.

So you are really looking to retrive these quickly.

Hang on I will fire up my SD4 and see how.

HAving a quick look and not connecting to anything.

On SD4
To get Liscio Sax ..Press Voice 1 button starts flashing
with numbers buttons just to the left tap the 1 followed by 7
that will flash to your right in the Big LED window
it will stop flashing and becomes 017 for Liscio Sax

For any instruments mentioned on top presets display just select Voice1  Right
tap the number and there you go.

For live performance just leave Voice 1 right flashing (selected) and tap your numbers as required

If you really need more than that I will have to find a few minutes and experiment for you, as I said before I don't save User presets
on the SD4

By the way The Notation Composer you have to add in the PAtch MAp file to be able to access the Ketron upper banks

I just added the SD2 ini patch map in place of SD4 and all is fine.



Thanks for your help.  I misspoke about the sax.  In general I was referring to instruments in other banks that are not accessable via module.  I understand the programs showing on the SD4.

I didn't mean to burden you, mate.


Hi Bernie,

No worries mate. Glad to be of some help.

Just so I am on the right track here, you want to be able to access all instruments available on the SD4 as you would access from vArranger
or another program that accesses all the banks.

As I understand the Upper banks are whhat you get when loading instruments via my previous post.

For instance Jazz Tenor is not general midi instrument (No.16 on SD4)
Golden Trumpet is not general midi instrument (No.10 on SD4)



Hi Lionel

Yes, I understand that these are presets involving up to three instruments, as opposed to single instruments in other banks.  I think I will just enjoy the SD4 as it is.



If you want to use the upper banks thru Notation composer I can check it out for you.

Let me know.



Da quello che ho capito avete difficoltà con SD4? Meglio usare SD2?


This discussion is 6 month old :)


Yeah I know now Dan  ;D !!, but there was a recent post (yesterday) not in English, and I didn't check the original thread date ;)