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Roland phantom x6. SF2

Started by cirerenrut, June 11, 2015, 04:49:27 PM

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Hi music lovers
I purchased the above to implement in vArranger and I have run into a brick wall!!!!. I down loaded the phantom INS file and it is displayer in vArranger. As the Roland .sf2 files are all in folders eg piano, guitar, strings etc, I copied a few pianos out there folder and placed them into the samples folder in vArranger expecting to see them when I ran vArranger but nothing appeared when I chose PIANOS except the normal vArrager pianos. Can some kind person please point me in the right direction.
On vArranger under the sounds folder there is an empty presets folder, what files goes in there?.
Any help would be appreciated.



You can post or send me one sf2 file, so I will see if the bank and program change are well defined in the SF2 file, or they have put all at 0
If it is set at 0, you will only have one sound, it will replace the first piano sound


I bought from a company called norCtrack. The first piano file So True is 76 MB and does not seem to want to post.


Do you still have the vArranger Software Synthesizer as the MIDI OUT 1 ?


I forgot to mention the piano files have A001 for the first twelve piano voices and the F001 to F026 for the remaining.



You can run the   so I can check on your computer this thing




norcrack has set every sound with the same program change 0  and Bank 0   so you vArranger will load only one sound

Maybe you can ask them to put the right program change number in the SF2 files, like it was in the original keyboard?


Tyros 4 soundfonts from Live Styler contains the MSB-LSB-PC in the name of the sf2 file.
For example "104-2-94-WarpedWave.sf2" or "127-0-48-SymphonyKi.sf2"
One instrument for a file.

Could you test the name of the file, and if it has this stucture,
(and contains only one instrument), then use it instead of the preset codes?


Hallo Dan
Have you thought about my idea?
Check if the Soundfont file name contains MSB-LSB-PC structure
and if yes, then use it.
It would be easily user customizable.



I know the program and I use it, but it would be easier to simply change file name.

There is other problem:

If you want to set a BANK32(LSB),
you need to write it in the sound name.

For example:
Bank: 104
Preset: 94
Name: 94@WarpedWave

But for example I have complete Tyros4 soundfonts
from Live styler (unencrypted), it means 1827 sf2 files.
All of them contain the MSB-LSB-PC in the file name
but the preset codes are others and should be manualy changed.


You have some sofwares utility for batch rename, with that it's easy to put bank number in each name.


MS Excel + macro

Something like this:
Sub rename_files()
' In cell A1 must be a full directory path
' In column A - original file names
' In column B - new filenames

    a = Cells(1, 1)
    If Right(a, 1) <> "\" Then a = a + "\": Cells(1, 1) = a
    r = 2
    Do While Cells(r, 1) <> ""
    Name a + Cells(r, 1) As a + Cells(r, 2)
    Cells(r, 3) = "OK"
    r = r + 1
End Sub



It's an interesting program.
I use similar function in Total Commander for such renaming.

My solution allows you to rename files as needed.
Any file can be renamed to anything.

Here is another macro that create lists of the files in defined folder.


Sub List_of_files()
'Lists directory contents.
'The full directory path must be in the cell A1

    a = Cells(1, 1)
    If Right(a, 3) = "*.*" Then a = Left(a, Len(a) - 3): Cells(1, 1) = a
    If Right(a, 1) <> "\" Then a = a + "\": Cells(1, 1) = a
    r = 2
    S = Dir(a)
       If S <> "" Then Cells(r, 1) = S
       r = r + 1
       S = Dir
   Loop While S <> ""
   Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _
   OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
   Selection.ColumnWidth = 26
End Sub


I have exactly the same problem: I have many SoundFonts from Live-Styler that I want to reuse. But many of them use 0-0-0 as address (msb-lsb-programchange). So it is hard or impossible to find them in the "INS"-Window of vArranger. The current version of vArranger seems to not support this file renaming scheme. Does anybody know of a tool how I could change the "mapping" of the sound fonts into vArranger. It is also very cumbersome to save each of them seperately in a track - as there are many files.


You need to use a SF2 editor, like to change the program number and bank number of each sound

Many sounds can be inside one sf2 file, so the file naming solution to define a program change number was not selected

You can also define a MSB and a style brand for each sf2 preset. Let me know if you need me to explain it