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Messages - paoloaccordion

Quote from: Christoph on May 09, 2024, 07:34:25 AMFor low budget the Behringer FCB1010 is also a very good and easy to instal alternative. It works also perfect with vArranger2 (ca. 80 EUR used up to 150 EUR new). I use it in my Akkordeon-Setup. For example I control the rhythm-section (start/stop, Fill in, ...) and the text (page forward and back).

best regards

to make it work you have to connect it to electricity
SoundFonts - SFZ - VST - Tools / Check out this link
December 03, 2024, 12:19:15 PM
I found some good sf2 Sd90 Ketron that run well on vArranger
Yamaha Styles / Style Regghe
June 22, 2024, 04:36:46 PM
Buongiorno qualcuno di voi ha un bel style reggae?
Ciao Dan, c'è un modo per spostare i vst su right 2 in modo da tenere libero il right 1 per i suoni di default del Varranger? Inoltre se salvo la song mi rimane tutto in memoria?

Buona serata
Quote from: Christoph on May 13, 2024, 01:02:28 PMDan, you are wright. It should be a good usb to midi-cable (i.e Miditech Midilink Mini). At first I had two cheap one (logitech), but they didn't work together. The Midi-cables are connected in a normal 4-slot usb-hub (HAMA). To connect the footpedal you need only the MIDI-In-end. The Midi-out is not nessesary.

I don't use a wireless MIDI-hub.
Il problema è che non fanno il solo cavo midi in quindi devi tenerti il cavo con out inutilizzato
Quote from: Dan on May 10, 2024, 12:01:08 PMI never tried it, but it should work, seems to need an external midi USB adapter and maybe some configuration. It is not very compact to carry

Io ho una scheda audio midi in e out non capisco dove devo collegare la pedaliera visto che l'ingresso in è già impegnato per la fisarmonica midi
Christoph ci puoi dare più info sulla pedaliere e come configurarla?
Dan conosci questa pedaliera?

Che midi hai per la tua fisarmonica? Come lo configuri con Varranger? puoi mettere uno schema di configurazione?
Ketron Styles / Re: Stili Solton MS60
April 21, 2024, 09:15:40 PM
Quote from: Dan on April 21, 2024, 08:58:26 PMYes. Old and simple but very efficient
Per il liscio sono i migliori. Dopo l'esperienza che la Solton fece con i ritmi del Ms40 fecero la Ms 50 quella senza cassa e poi la Ms60 con le casse incorporate,a seguire Ms 100. Dopo questa serie non si è capito più nulla. Evvero che la musica è cambiata la il liscio rimane sempre quello.
Saluti Paolo
Ketron Styles / Re: Stili Solton MS60
April 21, 2024, 08:18:26 PM
Grazie sono sempre i più belli!
Ketron Styles / Stili Solton MS60
April 21, 2024, 01:09:27 PM
Qualcuno ha gli style della Solton Ms60?
Quote from: agaton on April 29, 2023, 02:21:16 AMOne of the best Midi Pedals is Roland FC300. It is one luxus Pedal but it is perfect to work with vArranger² and in a same time also with one of Roland Midi V-Accordeons (or with Bugari-Evo Haria Accordeons).

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Costa un botto!
Ketron Styles / Re: STYLES TYROS Bogdan 6
April 04, 2024, 04:54:18 PM
Si può usare con cubase?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: NEW : VERSION 'NEXT'
September 06, 2020, 11:08:46 AM
 Calma.... Non è semplice scrivere un programma! Fate lavorare Dan!
Ketron Styles / Re: style cuarteto
August 27, 2020, 05:00:24 PM
Ketron Styles / Re: style cuarteto
August 24, 2020, 06:45:29 PM
Ti ringrazio per il link. Non cerco il midi files ma lo style in formato pat o altro formato compatibile con il vArranger.
Ketron Styles / style cuarteto
July 30, 2020, 11:12:46 AM

Hello, I'm looking for a Latin dance style. Dancing is a cuarteto. Place the example link.
Quote from: giupa on June 15, 2020, 02:43:26 PM
Sto provando a sistemare un po' gli style. Questa è una piccola demo con uno style Bk7, banco sound emulazione bk7 più qualche suono di moxf.
Buon ascolto
Bello. Complimenti!
Uninstall the antivirus.
Ciao oltre agli styles bisognerebbe campionare dei suoni di fisarmonica eccellenti. Se riesci a campionari ne possiamo parlare.
Quote from: DUODHER on February 09, 2020, 08:23:56 AM
je souhaite revendre  varranger au prix de 200 euros avec licence dans sa cle usb,quelle est la procédure à suivre afin que le nouvel utilisateur profite des mises à jour,activation,etc  .
Merci pour vos réponses.

Ti ho inviato un messaggio privato
Ciao Dan!! please send to me 1,18  thank!
Hello Dan, send me the latest version?Thanks

Can I get the update please?


The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: vArranger and VST !!
February 12, 2014, 05:02:09 PM
Quote from: pax_eterna on February 11, 2014, 07:47:08 PM
Quote from: paoloaccordion on February 11, 2014, 05:09:11 PM
Hello Dan can send me the new version? You already have the vst?

I would suggest the VST's need to come from you ;)

I do not feel the vst. What does it depend? You might know the configuration to make them play?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: vArranger and VST !!
February 11, 2014, 05:09:11 PM
Hello Dan can send me the new version? You already have the vst?
January 29, 2014, 06:50:07 PM
Quote from: Dan on January 29, 2014, 06:42:11 PM
Let me send you the latest version of vArranger that plays the Tyros 5 styles

Thank installed very nice! ;)
January 29, 2014, 06:34:07 PM
Hello Dan I will not read the files. "This is not a valid style files"
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: vArranger and VST !!
December 27, 2013, 10:51:00 AM
Could you explain the settings to run the vst? In Varranger date we need to create a folder to insert the vst?
when you expect the new version?
Could you tell us what are the new features?
Hello Dan, send me a link to the new version? What has changed?
regards Paolo
it is the controller number.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Program change
August 14, 2013, 09:20:19 AM
I have difficulty in the programming of program change. In options there are 20 groups and 10 sound. EXAMPLE: If the first group check a program Group 1 (Piano) and sound 1 (Grand Piano) is fine for all the group 1 and 10 sound. If you want to program group 2 (El.Piano) and its 10 sound does not have the possibility of programming since the 10 sound are already engaged by the first group.
Quote from: Gerard on January 30, 2012, 09:59:57 PM
I bought the Behringer FCB1010 for $137 USD, new, from eBay.
I believe this is the same one that is pictured in the vArranger manual.

To setup, the absolulute first thing that must be done is to calibrate the expression pedals or they will not work.
Just follow instructions in the manual.

Then, in Varranger, Options, Controllers, simply press the switch or expression pedal that you want to work for that function.

Personally, I use switches for start/stop, arrangerB, arrangerC, arrangerD, Transpose + and Transpose -.
The left expression pedal I use to control the volume for Left/Right Volume.
The right expression pedal I use for Style Volume.

Just one expression pedal alone would cost up to $50, and you could not separate the volume like you can on the Behringer.

That's my  2 cents for whatever it is worth.

How to connect it to varranger? has not usb
Thanks for your help!
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: My Setup
August 13, 2013, 03:53:35 PM
Quote from: Gerard on August 13, 2013, 03:44:11 PM
I do not know if you can use two USB midi cables.
In theory it should work.
I only have to use one.
This is something that maybe Dan could answer about using 2 USB midi cables.
Sorry I can't help you further.

Expect a response from Dan.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: My Setup
August 13, 2013, 03:02:14 PM
Quote from: Gerard on August 13, 2013, 02:50:03 PM
Here is the link to the discussion about FSB1010,89.msg4357.html#msg4357

I have a usb midi cable in and out. In one added on accordion and midi out to sd2. For the pedals FSB1010 I have to use another cable?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: My Setup
August 13, 2013, 02:34:55 PM
Quote from: Gerard on August 13, 2013, 02:14:35 PM
I had the FS13 pedal hooked to the Audya when I still had the Audya.

The Behringer FSB1010, I connect using a midi cable.
I have a USB MIDI cable with a MIDI IN plug and a MIDI OUT plug.

In vArranger, for 2nd MIDI IN, I select USB Midi Interface.
That connects the FSB1010 to vArranger.
In OPTIONS/CONTROLLER, I assign what I what to the switches or pedals.

There is another TOPIC on connecting the FSB1010 on here, that tells you how to hook it up.

I placed a link to the discussion?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: My Setup
August 13, 2013, 01:23:51 PM
Quote from: Gerard on August 13, 2013, 12:19:45 PM
From what I remember, the FS13 pedals have a 15 pin connector and no USB port.
I use the Behringer FSB1010 and works fine

This does not have the usb port how can you use it?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: My Setup
August 13, 2013, 10:40:25 AM
The pedals fs 13 ketron Can you run the program directly via USB
16 where the volume of the sound track with the right
One more thing ... to store the volume to 100 as I do
Ok thanks solved!
I am not referring to the trace of song lyrics that usually is the 4. but the melody that sounds right
What is the control to mute the right when you play a midi file? the channel is the 16.
Tomorrow I'll call the Ketron for more details
 Price Ketron SD1000
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Problem midi
April 24, 2013, 06:47:53 PM
Quote from: Dan on April 24, 2013, 05:23:28 PM
in the next version .midi will be like .mid

for now, just rename the file extention .midi to .mid
Ok ;D ;D
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Problem midi
April 24, 2013, 12:17:25 PM
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Problem midi
April 24, 2013, 11:41:08 AM
The vArranger² Software Forum / Problem midi
April 24, 2013, 11:14:00 AM
I made a change with the cubase files "Eterno Amore". I loaded it in the folder but I midi symbol appears VanBasco

The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
April 18, 2013, 06:34:53 PM
The vArranger is a very valid. For Ketron Korg or Yamaha or is a competitor. So you have respect for Dan who created this wonder. If you want to play with the same characteristics that the Audya bought the instrument directly. The right thing is to insist on sound cards like sd2 or SD1000.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Edit midi files
April 18, 2013, 06:15:13 PM
A midi files changed how I can save it with the changes?
I set to 100% and the problem only on the vision R

Up Dan!
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
April 09, 2013, 03:57:22 PM
Unfortunately, the Italian brand brothers Crosio was absorbed by the Cinese. the Crosio they sell are now imported. The matter for Italy
By Marco Fisarmoniche to stradella Italy.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
April 08, 2013, 03:23:40 PM
I called at this time the ketron. SD1000 will be on the market by 22 Aprile 2013.
Master Keyboard
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
April 06, 2013, 04:12:21 PM
I am Italian. I phoned the Ketron for sd 1000. Will be available for sale in Italy after Musikmesse 2013. Soon there will be some demos.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Written vision cut
April 05, 2013, 11:05:44 PM
Hello Dan, because the writing you see cut?

The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Dal midi a MP3
April 05, 2013, 06:44:00 PM
I have a mac with boot and w7. with audiacity I entered jak In the entrance of the headphones. The signal arrives but does not record.
Should I buy a mute keyboard for use with the varranger. What do you recommend. possibly a keyboard that some of you have already used and easy programming.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Dal midi a MP3
April 05, 2013, 06:00:23 PM
The vArranger² Software Forum / Dal midi a MP3
April 05, 2013, 05:36:22 PM
I wanted to know if it is possible to record a midi files to mp3.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
March 24, 2013, 08:55:30 AM
I know Giorgio Marinangeli The advice concerning these is commercial. I'll call the ketron for more information and will let you know.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
March 23, 2013, 09:16:43 PM
Follow this Link It 'was presented to the Musikmesse 2012. Follow this Video. Monday I'll call the ketron to know if it is on the market
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Ketron SD1000
March 23, 2013, 06:45:04 PM
I read on the website of Ketron news.

Ok now assigns from my accordion banks. Now to select the sounds of the banks as I do?

Ok wait your news.
With the keys of the notes gives the program change
So it is not compatible with the program?
I did a test on other arranger and program shift work.
I tried now with sd2 the program change. It works!
No I've never used sd2. But if I press the key notes of the accordion I assign the program change.
Quote from: pax_eterna on March 18, 2013, 04:52:01 PM
It's okay Paolo, Dan is onto it -  ;D I don't need it now. Would have been helpful a few days ago ;)


Sounds with MIDI accordion?
Quote from: pax_eterna on March 18, 2013, 04:41:56 PM
Quote from: Dan on March 18, 2013, 03:35:50 PM
Can you send me the midi documentation of your accordion?

That was exactly what I was asking for ages ago!!!  ;)

give me your email I will send
Ok it when I use the keys of the accordion can program them. While when I use the buttons on the panel funzionnano not change the program. I called the manufacturer of the midi and told me that the midi protocol is standardized. Then it should work.
To change the sounds of the accordion vArranger have to activate the program change of sotware.
but the accordion works with vArranger. tell me if I have to take other types of connectionsy
Let me explain. I accordion on the button to call up the sounds of any arranger ranging from 0 to 999. In this case we take as an example the vArranger. Options / Controllers / voice selection. I selected 17 Group1 (Piano) then the number 0 in my panel I selected according to your instructions and saved. It does not work!
You can change the tempo of the mp3?
It should not be this configuration. The transmission is on the right 1 left 2 bass 3.
Sorry but with a master keyboard, you can change the desks of vArranger?
New midi master play
You have enabled option accordion. You have two options as this also has its internal sounds. Disabling the option for the internal sounds functions as a common midi transmission where you can recall presets of an external expander in this case the vArranger. In the program there is no manual programming of the controller for the accordion.
The manual does not explain how to change the groups from my midi panel I searched on the forum I have not found anything. It should be the same as a keyboard controller.
should be loaded in vArranger date? Which folder?
In which root?
Let me explain. The midi files are uploaded to where? no download.
I read the manual but it does not explain the transmission channels to configure the MIDI accordion. I have already set the channels for MIDI accordion. now I want to figure out how to change the sounds of varranger with my accordion. In practice as well as you do for keyboards
You can upload mp3 bases and then execute them with vArranger?
Hello, where are uploaded files midi or kar for playback?
I vArranger with the sd2 and MIDI accordion. I want control of my midi changing voices Varranger. I saw your movie. Would you tell me how to set the transmission parameters to Varranger?
Ok thank you!
Ok here we go. How do you recognize a style yamaha psr s710 from a style tyros 3 or 4? tab is always reads yamaha
ok because yamaha tab is empty? I want to recall the tab.
I have to load the styles yamaha to call the program
Si quello l'ho già fatto. La fisarmonica riconosce i canali midi. Suona bene con vArranger. Non riesco a cambiare i suoni del Varranger direttamente dal pannello comandi del mio midi.
Ho la necessità di richiamare i preset del vArranger dalla mia fisarmonica midi.
Quali sono le configurazioni?
Le logiciel vArranger² / Caricare styles Yamaha
March 14, 2013, 10:03:40 AM
Ho scaricato dal forum gli styles della yamaha. In quale cartella li devo inserire? Ho visto che nel programma esiste un tab [-]YAMAHA cliccando è vuoto.
Good morning,
I downloaded from the styles of the yamaha forum. Which folder should I put them? I saw that in the program there is a tab [-] YAMAHA clicking is empty.
Ottimo per fisarmonicisti!
Da quello che ho capito avete difficoltà con SD4? Meglio usare SD2?
questa versione è anche per mac?
ok now I can test the program.
Good morning, the program works with the Midjay Ketron and accordion? if it were compatible what are the connections to be made?
my equipment: Midjay, accordion, usb sound card that I use with notebook.