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Topics - Bernie9

I am recommending this program to a fellow musician that is new to soft synth programs.  I have had vArranger many years, but have been away for awhile.  The last I knew, SD2, SD4, SD1000 had been mapped.  There is also a softsynth available in the program.  My question is if there is anything else he could use without mapping SFs and VSTs, which is beyond his expertise.  I have always used my trusty SD2, but he doesn't have one.

I downloaded new version to my encrypted flash drive and it works fine, but I am not sure how to bring in my old songs, as it is a blank slate.  I want the new version with my old songs.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Loading to Pc
November 03, 2018, 11:14:52 PM
I am returning to VA2 with my ID mem stick loaded with the latest version.  It fired right up with my big laptop that I used to run vArranger in. I am trying to get a smaller package, and tried it in a 10 in Asus and it kept loading for a half hour, but never did.  What does this mean?  Does it take a long time to load the first time?

The vArranger² Software Forum / Error Message
August 25, 2016, 07:16:54 PM
I am trying to get started with my new tablet and keep getting "No Disk in Drive D".  Then, I can't get rid of it.  First I tried vArranger synth, which I installed first.  I then set program with Mio interface as Midi in and out and vArranger.  It said "loading" for ten minutes until I shut it down.  Next, I hooked up the SD2 with my Axiom61 and Asus Transformer.  The program works but I am getting nothing from the controller(ch1 full kb).

I will chip away at the problems if I knew where to start.  All connections seem good.  Midi in to kb midi out, midi out to SD2 midi in, usb to tablet.
The vArranger² Software Forum / New Tablet
August 21, 2016, 10:55:24 AM
I just bought an Asus Transformer and wonder what preparation I need to plug my license stick in to try it.  I have v1.7 and styles in the stick.
The vArranger² Software Forum / No Sound From SD@ or SD4
November 18, 2015, 10:38:40 PM
I have tried everything I know to get a sound.  I have reduced everything to it's simplest configuration, namely:
Interface midi in to module;  Midi out to controller keyboard(ch1); USB to PC.

The midi traffic lights are both lighting(in and out) when I press the keys, and the vArranger program is working.  However, even though midi data seems to be going to the either module, the midi activity lights on the modules are dark.

My configuration is:  MIDI out-INTERFACE
                                 MIDI IN  -same
SD2 or SD4 shows in the box.

I have tried two working interfaces.
The vArranger Synth works for instruments, but sounds like a broken calliope when I try to use a style.
The vArranger² Software Forum / vArranger Softsynth
October 06, 2015, 03:00:44 PM
I am trying to use the above, and while the sounds are okay, when I try a style. the sound is like a crazy calliope.  I am trying to get the best possible sound without carrying extra hardware.
I am using a Surface Pro 2 for my normal operation and I also want to run my Composer program(also in SP) when needed.  The problem in duel GUI's.  I have a mini display connection on my Surface Pro for an exterior monitor, but there is a question of getting both programs to run at the same time as they are both midi based.  I have an SD2 and SD4.

I am using vArr and SD2 with Novation MKII controller.

I downloaded VB3 in a folder in my Surface Pro2.  I read vArr has it's own wrapper and I don't know how to go from here.
The vArranger² Software Forum / SD4 VOICE MODE
April 21, 2015, 03:27:12 PM
Will the SD4 transpose right and left voice separately?  When I try to transpose the left higher, they both go up.
I read the original thread regarding this but no luck.

Software installed and confirmed.  My chain is:
vArr data/styles/stylesROM/Karaoke/Karaoke With PDF/songname.sty   In the Karaoke with PDF folder is a folder names SCORE.  This folder contains songname(identical spelling) .PDF

When I load the midiKaraoke file, the lyrics or Karaoke works fine, but no sign of the PDF.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Foot Pedal Control
March 22, 2015, 10:47:36 AM
I have a need to trigger some aspects of vA with a foot pedal, like fills or Var up and down.  I have a volume pedal plugged into my Novaion MK and sutain is the only other jack in the back.

I have foot controllers for my other keyboards and it difficult getting used to playing live without one.  I have organ bass pedals, but are too big.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Directory Files
March 19, 2015, 06:27:57 PM
I want to rename and organize folders for my songs, but  have  a Surface Pro with no keyboard.  The data file is in my pen drive.  Can I rearrange with my pc without any problems with vAr ?
I am replacing my old Axiom with a Novation 61 SL MK11.  I need to know what steps I need to take besides remapping the controller file in vArranger to the Novation.

For example: I have saved songs as "ALL" , which I think includes controller information.  Do I have to remap and resave these songs ?

Anything else ?
I run vArranger on several machines without a problem.  I initiate with pen drive containing license, with data and latest version.  For example, I have MAudio Uno connecting the SD2 and Controller kb with Midi and USB to laptop(Asus i7), with pendrive containing license and vArranger in another USB slot.

It can't be the configuration as it hasn't changed.  Only difference is the laptop.  I start application from pendrive as usual, but it says loading, but never does.  The wheel just keeps on going until I finally close it.

Any ideas ?
Sometimes I use Composer(formerly MidiNotate) for song specific SMF in which I have to read the chords and melody line.  I use a Surface Pro2 to read the Composer generated lead sheet and sound from an installed SF GM sound set.  One of my kbds plays left and right hand melody.

Since the new softsynth may allow me not to carry a module, I am trying to find the easiest way to use VA2 and Composer.  The obvious problem is that I need two GUIs.  I do have other tablets and iPad, and laptops to use if necessary. The other is whether I can use VA softsynth sound on both.

The advantages would be light weight, superior sound,and VA2 allows me to set up 10 sounds for each hand right in front of me.

Or-maybe it is a bad idea.
The vArranger² Software Forum / vArranger Synth
January 17, 2015, 03:12:52 PM
I am using the SD2 now but wondered if I could get similar quality without the extra baggage of a separate module.
I tried to get my head around VST's, but don't know enough to set up hosts etc.

I use a Surface pro2 and installed vArranger Synth, but it does not show in the Midi Out window. Both windows show my interface and the right window show the Ketron modules.
I have been so busy playing gigs that I have fallen behind in the knowledge of improvements.  I bought a SP2 and would like to use vArranger with my old MAudio controller or Behringer UMA25s and/or other keyboards I own like Yamaha S910 and Technics KN7000.

I have been running my Surface Pro into a Presonus Audiobox USB and a powered hub. It would be better perhaps to buy a Korg Nano for controls, but I don't know.

As far as sound source is concerned, I have an SD2 and SD4, but wonder if VST isn't the way to go, if I can figure it out.

Sorry for the vague post,as there are many ways of configuring, but I have to start somewhere in getting back up to speed.
I want to  be able to use vArranger in the normal way with my SD4, then alternate and use my notation program to play over midi files. 

1. I am now playing midi files from my pc and left and right parts from controller using voices from SD4 connected to M2(voice) in. This is fine. I can read the lead sheet from Composer with SD4 sounds.

2. If I switch and run vArranger from the same pc, I can mix in style songs I have, but how do I redirect my Axiom to instantly run vArranger although I would have it connected to M1(Midi) port ?

3.  It is no problem using one of my arrangers, but I wanted something light with quality sounds for small gigs.
I am trying to use the above, but forgot what ports and Midi in or out routing. Thanks
My Axiom(1st generation) is starting to lose some slider assignments sometimes and I can't trust it.  I am using an old Dell 14 inch for the program,but have on Asus i7 15 inch, as well as 10 in Acer WD pad.

When Dan's sound project arrives, I know my Asus will handle anything, even though it is a bit bulky.  The controller is my main concern.  I would like some combinations others have and their opinion.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Chord Mode
November 19, 2013, 08:44:27 PM
I have noticed some of my chords are sounding off key.  Take a C chord and play C alone it sounds fine, but when I play the rest of the chord, the bass is off in the rythm. For example, take a simple 4/4 with a 1+5 bass.  The fifth does not play with a full fingered chord.  I thought maybe it was on one finger mode but I can't find an option.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Axiom Initial Setup
August 02, 2013, 07:58:37 PM
Since I had to ask Dan for a new license, I found that my controller config is missing.  It is no problem assigning controllers again, but I am not getting a split on my keyboard.  I seem to remember that default is chan 1 accross the keyboard, and no split configured on the Axiom, but it has been a long time since I first set it up.

I am getting right hand from C1-C6, no left.  Any ideas

I suspect that my pen drive containing my license is no good.  I tried to use it on two pc's and all I get is a black screen and "Loading....".  It finally says this is a trial version for 4 minutes.  I cannot get any computer to even recognize it.

The vArranger² Software Forum / SD4 and vArranger
August 25, 2012, 08:17:58 AM
I just received my SD4 and am quite happy with it except for the delay in changing banks from the module.  I have not tried it with vArranger yet, and have some questions.

What do I do differently with the SD4 ?  I mean you can edit the programs and how would that apply to vArranger ?
Is an interface needed with the SD4 besides the USB into the pc ?

The vArranger² Software Forum / SD4 Question
August 15, 2012, 09:40:39 PM
My question has only partly to do with vArranger.

I sometimes play SMF files through Notation Composer on my laptop, which scrolls the lead sheet with chords and notes while playing the Midi file.  The sound source for the SMF is my SD2. I didn't really want to bring a fullsized Audya for lead sounds, though I may have to.

My problem is that Korg Micro has a thinner sound than my SD2 and I was wondering is an SD4 would easily give me a good choice of instruments while utilizing the separate Gen Midi bank. I would use a controller keyboard like my Axiom61.

Also, in vArranger, I want to sent a separate out to my Neo-Vent, but haven't been able to with only one out on the SD2.  I love the realism of the Ketron, but want to be able to change lead sounds fast.

I know the SD1000 is coming out, but no one knows when.

Can anyone give me some hints ?

I know you can add a second voice.  Are there any more options ?

The vArranger² Software Forum / Thanks To Dan
May 02, 2012, 09:12:46 PM
I am always a little late to the party, but I have been using vArranger as my first choice the last few weeks.

I am still amazed at how intuitive and stable it is with my SD2, and it is just the right size for a couple of my weekly gigs.  I tried Hallion Sonic but I am afraid I am adding complexity wiithout a much better return.

I have been using some of the Yamaha styles, and they make a great addition.

You guys already know all this but better late than never.

One question is if anybody has found the perfect controller with enough sliders and knobs, with a good keybed ?

The vArranger² Software Forum / Halionsonic Setup
March 22, 2012, 02:06:36 PM
I'm Afraid my ox is in a ditch

I installed Halionsonic and have played the instruments, but when I try and read Dan's instructions I forgot how to point to a particular program in Loopmidi to use with vArranger.

Loopmidi is showing up in vArranger options as port one and two.  Loopmidi doesn't know what the ports are.

The other thing is when I tried using Cantable, it couldn't find the Halionsonic plugin.  Do I have to reconfigure for VSTi ?
I simply installed and registered.

Life was simpler with SD2 but I would like to not carry have to carry it with me.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Octave Change
February 20, 2012, 09:55:02 AM
I forgot how to change the octave of one instrument in a song setup, not left or right hand.

I have following all of the threads on the new Korg and was wondering if this would work vArranger.

The smaller keys is not a problem but how many knobs,sliders, or switches generate midi messages to control vArranger.  If this was accomplished, would they play well together.

Any thoughts ?

The vArranger² Software Forum / Rotor Speed
September 22, 2011, 02:28:25 PM
I can't get my mod wheel to control rotor speed in drawbars.  I tried fx2 in controllers.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Pedals to laptop
September 16, 2011, 06:16:08 PM
I have an old Fatar MP1 pedal board to sent bass note messages to my laptop.  I wil use channel 3 and plugged the midi cable to Axiom midi in with no results.  Do I have to use a separate interface for this ?

I have read a lot of good remarks about this program, and am thinking it would be a good additional soundsource.  It is not sample based, but rather 9 contiously running waveforms.  This makes it very easy on the CPU.

Since it is not a stand alone application, it requires a VST host like VSTHost.

I would like to have any opinions.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Midilooper
August 26, 2011, 01:25:18 PM

I wrote you privately but maybe you didn't get it.

I want to know if Van Basco and MidiNotate can use different out ports in a midilooper at the same time.  I want to be able to switch programs at will.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Creating a Playlist
August 12, 2011, 09:43:27 PM
What is the proper way of creating  songlists for different occasions ?

I tried copying songs from my song list into  a new folder named Playlists, then a subfolder for a particular job.  The trouble is I am in windows environment and won't load anything.

Obviously, this is wrong.

I am planning to gig with the vArranger using my SD2.  I need another sound source for my SMF program that I can port to #2.

The reason I need another source is that I have thousands of midi Karaoke files in Composer and VanBasco that saves the transposition and track mute.  I can not use the SD2 for both.

I have some Karaoke files in vArranger but I have to stop and mute the proper track and transpose for every song.

I just got a new laptop that can handle latency.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Net Framework on Win7
August 06, 2011, 01:54:01 PM
I tried to download Net Framework from Microsoft and it said not for Win7 64.  I thought I was in 32.  What is wrong ?

The vArranger² Software Forum / MP3 Lyrics
May 13, 2011, 08:07:14 PM
Is there a way of pasting text to the lyrics screen to save with the song ?  I have a folder of lyrics in .txt and .PDF format I can import to my Audya without writing them out.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Roland BK7M Module
March 30, 2011, 10:05:08 AM
It appears this new module would work on the vArranger. What to you think ?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Karaoke Files
March 07, 2011, 01:41:29 PM
Since changes in key or mutes in melody track can't be saved, I would like suggestions on how to use the feature since every file could have different settings.

vArranger has gotten to the point where I can use it for performance but I would like to use the Karaoke too.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Converted Yamaha Styles
September 30, 2010, 02:33:16 PM
I have EMS Universal and wonder what difference there would be if I converted Yamaha syles to Ketron, as opposed to your Yamaha style support.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Karaoke
September 25, 2010, 01:28:11 PM
I found that .891 contains the fix for double lyrics and is so much better.  The new .91 revision that plays Yamaha styles, messes up the lyrics as before.
The addition of Yamha Styles is great.  No problem loading and playing them.  However, when I try to substitute a Yamaha style in one of my favorite songs, the "Song" entry is not available, just the "Sound", in the Save tab.

Also, I find the controller doesn't work in the "Intro" and "Ending" when I load a Yamaha style. 
The vArranger² Software Forum / Controller Keyboards
August 30, 2010, 02:06:03 PM
My Axiom is okay, but short a few controllers and the feel of the keybed is sloppy.  Before I buy a new one, I wondered if the Korg Nano, or any other auxillary keypad is suitable.  The reason I am asking, is that I have a Roland P-80 with a nice feel but few controllers.

I know you had a Nano and bought a Roland.  How is it ?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Karaoke Files
August 29, 2010, 11:22:56 AM
I have a new problem with Lyrics in my MidiKaraoke files.  vArranger lyrics show over the existing lyrics, making it impossible to read.  This happens on Tune 1000 files, that are supposed to be the benchmark.  I don't remember that happening in former builds.

Anyone else have this problem ?  I will send Dan a sample if not known.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Left 2 Save
August 26, 2010, 12:15:50 PM
I can't seem to save left 2.  I am not sure if it is implemented or not.  Also, my mod wheel does not change Leslie speed and I don't see the controller under options.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Add 2nd Keyboard
August 23, 2010, 11:28:21 AM
I want to add my Nord Electro to my Axiom 61.  How do I make it send the left hand chords played in vArranger, as well as the Axiom ?

In other words, I want to be able to play the left hand with either keyboard and have vArranger receive the chord data on the accompaniment.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Track Octave
August 23, 2010, 09:54:45 AM
I need to permanently lower one of my sounds one octave and leave the rest as is, and save in My Sounds.
Is there a way to use both programs from the SD2 at the same time.  I had been using VanBasco for my Midi's because I can save transpose and mute in playlists.  At least for now, vArranger doesn't seem to have these capabilities for Midifiles.  I have tried using both programs from the SD2 port.  Sometimes both work, but usually they fight each other for the port, sooner or later.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Track Mute Problem
July 13, 2010, 02:57:28 PM
When I mute a track for a Midifile and load any style song, the track remains muted.  Not good.  The transpose seems to go back to 0.
How do you save track mute and transpose changes on Midi's ?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Problems Saving
May 22, 2010, 07:03:09 PM
On the new version you said that you had made the requested changes and fixed some bugs.  The problem is, since you were not specific, I don't know a bug from an unfinshed refinement.  It is also possible that I am doing something wrong.

I will list some things and you can tell me the status.

1. The left hand is set to Oct +1.  I want to lower it to 0.  I change while left hand track is red, then change to right track and save.  No change.

2. Have you made it so other track volumes and instruments can be saved yet ?

3. What is the relationship between track 9(left 1) and "Left' on the right.  Which one do you adjust to save ?

The whole point is, that eventually we will be able to save all volumes and sounds, and I don't know how far along you are.  I don't want to tear my hair out trying to do something the program is not capable of.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Leslies Preset
May 16, 2010, 06:13:36 PM
The default effect "Delay" is too much reverb.  At least it is using my Bose L1 and Compact on a dancefloor.  What are your thoughts ?  It is a small matter that can worked around, but I happened to think of it.
Hi Dan
I wonder if, while you are working on settings other than left and right sounds, etc., you could include "Transpose".  I sing a lot of my songs and have to lower the key sometimes.  Some of my music requires sheet music and it is sometimes hard to play in another key to match my voice while sight reading the original.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Drawbars
May 08, 2010, 11:16:24 PM
Some wonderful features have been added, and I am like the program more all the time, except for an annoyance in selecting the Leslie speed and drawbar presets.  I admit to being an organ man and it may not bother some, but everytime I change a drawbar preset, it goes back to chorus.  It would be better to have a fast and slow choice, then have a controller to toggle, or use a switch pedal.

As we all know, the SD2 has some incredible sounds including the drawbars.  I don't know about France, but in the U.S., the Hammond sound is big business.  Between the native sounds of the SD2 and vArranger we are going to have a killer program and improving the control of the drawbars, I think is important.
I am using a MidiSport 2x2 with an Axiom USB and Midi controller on my XP Netbook and everything is fine.  The problem arises when I try and use my Win 7 pc.  M-Audio no longer supports this interface and has no Win 7 driver.

My Sweetwater rep tells me the Axiom is USB and as long as I install the Win 7 driver for it, it should work without an interface.

I attach Midi out of Axiom to SD2 and USB from Axiom to my pc, and boot vArranger from dongle.  The black screen which says "loading" came up.  The port screen came up and I chose USB device, then nothing.  I tried repeatedly and it would not boot.  I am thinking a Midi interface is necessary afterall.

Please advise
The vArranger² Software Forum / Favorite Songs
May 06, 2010, 01:38:12 PM
I have been thinking of how I can file songs with the appropriate styles.  The problem with using folders, for one thing, is the double .pats.  If I put a song in a separate folder(with it's own config file), like on my other keyboards, and add a "finder", the problem would be solved.  The problem is your interface is not set up to handle a couple of hundred songs in that manner.

For a few songs, it would be simple for me to go into the arrangedata file/style/Rom and make up some folders, but I don't know how many folders can be put on the "My Songs" bar.  In the absence of a "finder"(search), they could be arranged alphabetically per your previous post.
My left track 1 is not saving correct sound change by changing track 9.  To accomplish this, I have to change it over on the right in the "Left" column.  Is this the intended method ?

Is this the intended method
Whenever you consider a change in the interface, you might consider  permanent numbers being placed in "My Sounds".  If I need a quick change and there are 8 to 10 sounds, I need to count over.  I have my sounds numbered on my controller and and it would be much faster to see #6 and hit it on the controller.
I see the songs that are in "My Songs",Data Arranger/styles Rom/ My Songs.  I had made a folder called Latin, in the same folder that doesn't show.  I wanted to try a midi Karaoke file, but can't remember how to get a Midi Folder to show.

I quess I don't get how the file structure works so it will show on the interface.
Is there any way to assign cc7 or volume to a volume pedal of the master keyboard to control master volume ?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Voice Bar
May 02, 2010, 11:03:49 AM
Please explain the use of the voice bar at the top of the latest version.  Also, when in the effects edit window, how to you change the values, that is, is there a controller you use to change a parameter from 64
Fast and slow mutes all sound. Off, chorus, delay OK.  Nothing in effects edit seemed changed.  As a matter of fact, what changes the values from 64.  I mean what controller.
I have several boards like Nord Electro 2 that I am experimenting with for use with vArranger.  The question is how to build controller assignments separate from my Axiom.  I would think I would make a separate folder, but am not sure how.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Loading And Saving
April 15, 2010, 09:43:25 PM
I guess I am newer at this than most and have to ask some basic questions.

I have my controls in hand, can load styles and make folders in the Data Folder.  I can manually choose what sounds I want in the left and right hand tracks.

What I can't do is save all of my sounds together with the Song name.  In other words, I might want piano on left and piano, sax, and trumpet on the right.  I change my right hand sounds my manipulating the volume controls so I can layer or change sounds completely.  I may be doing something wrong, but only one left and one right is saved.

If the program cannot do this, fine, but I don't know how to change sounds any other way without a delay.

The other thing is "dragging sounds to the bar".  Please explain this.

Thanks for any help you can give to an old software impaired musician.

I have vArranger, controlled by an Axiom61, an organ module controlled by a Roland controller.  I use a Midisport 2x2 interface for the vArranger and the laptop.

What I want to do is use both controllers, and have control of the left hand chords in style play with either keyboard.

The vArranger² Software Forum / Track Octave Change
March 03, 2010, 01:25:43 PM
I am trying to lower my left one octave by one.  The main octave change seems to be global.  I found track 2 coarse tuning, that doesn't work on my trial copy.  Is this the way to do it ?
I just bought a "Ventilator", which is the best Leslie sim box ever produced.  I am asking if the drawbars or un-Leslied organ sounds can be sent separately,like a direct out  ?  I use a Midisport 2x2 with "A' being used now.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Loading and Saving Data
February 25, 2010, 09:43:29 PM
I see how to load files with "Load" and presume "Save" will work with the registered program.  What is the bar accross the middle that says" Style Midfile,MP3 etc ? If I use it to load a midi, the file association brings up the application normally used for midi files.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Newb Questions
February 23, 2010, 08:38:40 PM
In general, what parameters have to be configured by the keyboard(Axiom61) and which ones via GUI.  For example, I want to set up a split keyboard.  I would set the range for one zone(channel 1) and zone two(channel 2), and set a split at F#2 e.g.  This method is not working with Varranger.

I know you are probably swamped with getting out updates, but some of us less experienced people would buy your program if you had some sort of simple instruction.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Professional Use
February 21, 2010, 12:13:12 PM
Hi Dan

I am an arranger player, but do have an SD2.  The first question is if you can make song specific configurations and put them in a playlist in performance ?

The second is to whether you can play an SMF using the SD2 GM soundset and use the arranger at the same time.

I am very interested in your software, but have limited knowledge of softsynths.