
Version 1.20 is ready to download

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Messages - lanoe

Le logiciel vArranger² / Re: Nouvelle mise à jour !
October 03, 2018, 12:35:24 PM
Dear Dan,

If there is an update after 18.0.2 then I also would like to receive it.

Yamaha Styles / Re: genos styles
October 03, 2018, 12:20:25 PM
thanks a lot !
Just bought this (it was in promo for only $ 30) and I can confirm that the sounds are very good. Thank you lakere for your recommendation. I have been looking for this (lightweight, good sound, load everything at once) for a long time.
Dear Dan,

When I log in to the forum I read on top right 'Version 1.18 is ready to download'. But where ? Could you please send me a link please ?
I still have a version 1.17.xx version.
