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Messages - MarcinV8

Hi Dan, Send me please the latest version. Thank you.
Rebooted. Nothing.

Midi in: Launchkey
2nd Midi in: Akai MPK with "play notes"
3rd Midi in: Launchkey midi in 2 with Led feedback on MIDIOUT2 (Launchkey)

and nothing :-(
OK. Now I know. VST FX plugin works only with Sound Fonts, not with VST instruments.

Will it works with vst instruments?

Feedback led not solved.
I see plugin screen. Fx1 reverb don't works. Master EQ is ok.
Now it's turn off and I can't turn it on. PADs works only like NOTE ON/OFF.
Yes, I do. I didn't change anything before/after update. I was restarting.

I have another question. I have Focusrite FX plug in and it works only on Master, not FX1, FX2 and FX3.
Dan, after update I have no LED feedback (novation launchkey).
Hi Dan,

Is newer version than 1.17.91?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Style Creator
June 08, 2015, 06:13:40 PM
8 tracks because there is limit of midi channels?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Style Creator
June 08, 2015, 11:35:58 AM
New style format for: 16 tracks, no limit for intro, variations, etc.
I use VST and drums are super, but vArranger with wav loops and style creator will be hyper machine.
Dan. You said: blank space for FX. Tell me, Can I use insert FX with VST sounds or only with SF2? If not, FX is unnecessary for me (Who knows? Maybe in the future it will be.) Now I only use SOUND EDIT window for read what the midi channel is. When I want to edit my VST sound in Kontakt, I have to open sound edit window to know what channel is. I would to say "time is money".

I don't use touch screen, but only my pads, knobs, sliders, etc. Am I only one, who doesn't need big switches on the screen? Small switches = more informations on the screen.
Hello Dan.

Could you put the channel numbers on the tracks? It will be very helpful.

And second problem in width on vst options. Can't see all data.
Dan, I can't load more than 3 VSTs. All are 64bit: Kontakt, Addictive Drums, Trilian. When I want to load 4th VST (for example Addictive Drums again or another plugin), vASynth is aborting. After that I have to edit vArranger.ini, erase VSTs, and then I can open vArranger again.

I have about 3.5 GB free RAM of 8.

Is it bug in vASynth or what?
OK Dan.
I checked vArranger2.exe and it's showing the same. It isn't 64bit, right?
I don't know about programming and maybe you have right, but I don't know what to think. :-(
But early 64bit version was/is clean.
I know, some antivirus programs are overzealous, but why early versions are clean? I hope you have right ;-)
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware shows: Trojan.SIL.Injector in the vArranger Synth plugin. I downloaded it yesterday. Dan, what is it?
Please, please, I want it too. Thank you.
Hello Dan. I have got 1.17.88. Could you send me newest? Thank you, good day!
Hello Dan. Can I try 64bit?
Dan, 64bit and Android is very good idea :-) I want it.
Dan, could you do green lights = off, red when it's on? Like on Tyros. There will be more light in dark place :-)

P.S. We have 3 colors: red, green and yellow. Maybe you can give us "do it yourself". I know, maybe this is hard work. Could you do that?
I played SL61mk II. Very good keyboard.

hmm.... price = quality

for piano playing is not good, but for organ, synths is OK. It's simple keyboard. Sliders and knobs are like toys, but not cheap toys. Pads are OK, better than on AKAI MPK88.

I have MPK88, it is very heavy. I wanted simple, cheap and lighter keys, so I bought Lanchkey and I don't regret.

Lanchkey is very good for vArranger. 3 function keys ">", "<", ">" allow me to switch between two midi outputs, so I can use the same sliders for volume in vArranger or drawbars in VST. Knobs, switches and PADs have 2 midi outputs, too.
Novation Launchkey LED feedback :-)
Dan, you are great! It works.

I will make video how it is fantastic :-)
Any news from Novation?
I know, but problem is on that: I load some very good VSTs like drums, bass, piano, organ and at about 3.6GB of RAM vArranger says "good bye" (error "the program is shut down"). It's hard to say in english what I want to say :-)

I'll check Kontakt 64bit with jBridge. Maybe problem is in 32bit Kontakt.
Dan, what do you think about some adjustable split points? All zones at midi channel 1. Look at the picture. Could you do that?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Save sound bug !
January 20, 2015, 12:58:47 PM
Sorry, my mistake. I wrote new topic.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Save sound bug !
January 20, 2015, 10:34:27 AM
Dan, I was thinking about split for more sounds, but for 88 keys keyboard, too.
I know how to do it, now. It's very simple with Kontakt.

Dan, I have question for $1000000 :-) Do you plan to make 64 bit vArranger? I have some beautiful sounds like piano, bass, drums, organ, but I can't to use it all, because at about 3.6 GB of RAM vSynth out with error :-(

What is the latest number of vA2? I have 1.17.85.
Hello. How can I quickly change VST sound from one to another on RIGHT or LEFT? Now I have one vst on Left and one on Right and MUTE unwanted.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: NEW VIDEO DEMOS
January 05, 2015, 09:26:31 AM
From eBay, Dan. That samples are not so good as the real Motif XF is. Example, Acoustic Piano is ugly, Electric Bass, too. But for about $25 is OK.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: NEW VIDEO DEMOS
January 02, 2015, 02:49:10 PM
I've got something for all people thinking about buying vArranger:

Drums from Toontrack Superior Drummer 2
Percussions from Musyng Kite GM.sfpack

Accordion from Accordions Library for Kontakt. All the rest from sampled Motif XF.

It needs some tweaks, but in that form is OK.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR
January 02, 2015, 02:18:31 PM
Thank you and I wish you all goods, too, and for all users of vArranger :-)
Is it possible to led feedback on Novation Launchkey? With Ableton Live it works.
The vArranger² Software Forum / Thank you.
December 24, 2014, 01:46:32 PM
Dan, thank you. It's Christmas time and I have vArranger. No time for anything else. My wife will be very very angry  ;)
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: VSTi Kontakt 5 etc
December 09, 2014, 08:58:36 PM

please, tell me, how vArranger works with Kontakt? I'm thinking about buying vArranger or hardware arranger and I can't decide :-(

How do you edit styles to work with Kontakt? Is it too complicated?
It's not better, but not worse?

OK. I found some infos.
The vArranger² Software Forum / vArranger + SampleTank3
November 04, 2014, 06:27:26 PM
Hi everyone.

Is anybody here who plays vArranger + SampleTank? Is it possible? How it works? Has SampleTank got GM mode?

Thank you.