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Messages - giupa

Solito immenso Leo. ;D ;D
Italian vArranger forum / Re: prova varranger
June 02, 2022, 06:42:56 PM
I missed this demo. Really remarkable. Bellissima.
Quote from: musicmaker84 on July 11, 2021, 01:09:18 PM
So, it can act as a GM virtual sound module?

I have only experimented with sound banks to run the drum track and accompaniment, and this is a VST. Currently, I route the drums and accompaniment to my Korg PA 700, and it does a fine enough job with the styles I use.

But, I do not have the Korg with me in my vacation home, so an all virtual solution on my laptop is great. And while my free sound banks do the job, I wouldn't mind an upgrade. Dan's sound banks are too large for my setup. At 3 GB, this would be perfect.

But Dan's sound banks offer nearly perfect compatibility.
And except for the genos sound bank, the others aren't too big
For me, Dan's sound banks are an indispensable starting point, to which to add libraries such as NeoSoundstation 2
Quote from: musicmaker84 on July 10, 2021, 01:10:12 AM
Can it be used for drums and accompaniment?

This depends on which styles we use.
The drum kits have different mappings depending on the brand. I found many style tyros 4 very suitable.

Quote from: garciarob on April 04, 2021, 04:14:05 PM
Hi Pino, nice sounds for the price. The quality is more or less similar to halion. I think it could be a really nice solution for right hands sounds as Halion!

I read that there are also articulations on sounds.

Thanks for sharing.  8) 8) 8)

Exactly, many sounds have articulations that can be played with the modulation wheel. Consider two things: The first is that my demos are "not played" but shreds of midifiles. The second is that this library costs 70 $ (about 50/60 €) and that you can play it from kontakt player which is a free app.
I challenge anyone who trades in hardware devices to find solutions of this quality at such low expense.
Quote from: garciarob on March 30, 2021, 06:04:23 AM
Quote from: giupa on March 28, 2021, 08:48:32 PM
Beautiful setup

Hi Pino,
I know you're using Kontakt NeoSoundstation2, could you send some recording of acoustic typical "right" sounds? guitar, e-piano, and so on?


Hi Leo. Next weekend, I'll do some audio with the sounds you asked for.
Beautiful setup
Quote from: garciarob on March 28, 2021, 04:29:47 PM
After 1.5 year, an update about my config.

I've simplified my setup for SOLO sounds.

E-Piano: VST Halion
Organ+Hammond: VST Halion
Acoustic - classic guitar: VST Ample Guitar
Electric Guitar: kontakt+strawberry
Sax: VST Halion
Strings: VST Halion
Other brass and accordion: VST Halion

I use also Korg Triton vst for some 80s-90s sounds.

PC is a Intel Core i5-5257U+16gb ram+2 SSD HD

Keyboard is a m-audio oxygen pro61
Soundcard a behringer EMU-202.

vArranger is guided by a second touch screen (an android tablet), by app "spacedesk".

(photo is here -->,4374.0.html )

All is guided by program changes.

Next step is converting OTS in uservoices merging halion sounds (1 in right1 - 1 in right2 and so on). So I'm waiting Dan's fix for this!

And you? What's your configuration? Why don't you share it? Maybe we could fine some tricks for all!

p.s.: A complex job, but results are not so different from genos. Considering that there are more than 2000 euros of difference ... and absence of obsolescence  ;)
Quote from: garciarob on March 26, 2021, 01:35:19 PM
Hi Pino,
that's great. Mapping of neosoundstation drum is original or have you remapped? (if yes, it's compatible with yamaha styles...!)

@tthoms it's a kontakt library. you need kontakt charged in a vst slot and the library charged in kontakt (and some midi configuration...). @giupa could give also more details  ;)

Hi Leo, tks. Tyros 4 styles usually have a drum mapping that uses the first two octaves of the GM drum kit. They therefore do not require editing. T5 and genos instead follow other mappings and then you have to modify either the kit or the track
Quote from: tthoms on March 26, 2021, 01:07:10 PM
Hello Guipa.
That sounds good. Can you explain in more detail how you have loaded the track10 from the Neosoundstation 2? Is there a drumkit who can be copied into the samples folder of vA2? Which of theDan's megavoice xx.vsmpl must be replaced with the Neosoundstation drumkit? Please give me some instructions how to do that before I will buy the Neosoundstation 2.
Thank you very much.

Hi Thom. Neo Soundstation 2 is a sound library in .nki format (for Kontakt). To play it just download and install NI Kontakt Player (it's free), and load it as vst inside vArranger.
All Tracks: Genos Bank.
Only Track 10: DrumKit NeoSoundstation 2
The vArranger² Software Forum / News Update??
March 14, 2021, 10:06:38 AM
Hi Dan. We know you've been working on this substantial vArranger update..
Could you give us a little preview of the news that will be there. Of course nothing to spoil the big surpris ;De
Grande Leo. Ottima segnalazione. :D
Mi era sfuggito questo post. Grandissimo Leo.
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Buon Natale a tutti!
December 28, 2020, 05:25:31 PM
Buonissime feste a te e a tutti i nostri amici varrangeriani. E speriamo in un 2021 meraviglioso per tutti. :)
Italian vArranger forum / Demo NeoSoundstation 2
December 09, 2020, 06:02:25 PM
Ciao vi posto la demo di uno style PA600, EasyPop. La traccia di batteria è Magix Independence Pro, mentre tutte le altre sono suoni della libreria NeoSoundstation 2.
I suspected it was a format problem. Because with the style .sty I had no problem
These two styles have been converted from the same midifile.
But while the .sty keeps the volume changes, the .pat only keeps the global volume.
As if the .pat didn't allow volume changes.
L'immagine dello style mixer dei due style.
Ho controllato in STYLE MIXER. In formato .pat (originale) ha un unico messaggio di control volume. Convertito in .sty  ne ha uno in ogni variazione.
Ho aperto lo style dopo averlo convertito in midifile, e ho visto che tutte le variazioni hanno messaggi di control volume.
Ma da vArranger non riesco a modificare.   
Grazie Dan.
Ma è la stessa cosa anche per il program change e gli altri messaggi di control change?
Io sto provando a salvare le tracce con diverse impostazioni di volume per ogni variazione. Io salvo la song ad ogni variazione modificata, ma lo style mantiene sempre e solo l'ultimo livello memorizzato per tutti i pattern.
Eppure ricordo di aver fatto queste modifiche in passato e tutto andava bene. Cosa è cambiato??

Grazie ragazzi per i commenti positivi. Ma credetemi, sono davvero solo prove tecniche. Le possibilità sono già adesso enormi. Utilizzando l'edit sound e scegliendo vts effetti leggeri ma puliti, ho sperimentato come lo stesso style può avere sonorità molto diverse.
Se poi Dan decide di regalarci anche qualche slot mfx in più, gliene saremo enormemente grati. ;D
Sto provando a sistemare un po' gli style. Questa è una piccola demo con uno style Bk7, banco sound emulazione bk7 più qualche suono di moxf.
Buon ascolto
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Efx insert
June 15, 2020, 10:01:10 AM
Quote from: Dan on June 15, 2020, 09:48:20 AM
As I said in another post, it is not a good idea to put a VST on the drums track
What VST do you plan to use for guitar and bass? So I can try it

Io ho caricato un compressore sul mfx 3 e la traccia di batteria ne esce molto, molto bene.
Prima, sempre sullo stesso slot avevo caricato amplitude free, e chitarre e bassi erano semplicemente favolosi.
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Efx insert
June 15, 2020, 09:40:44 AM
A me può bastare anche solo lo slot per caricare vst.
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Editing Drum kit
June 15, 2020, 09:39:39 AM
Quote from: Dan on June 15, 2020, 08:30:31 AM
You can only replace the whole preset...
Maybe you can tell me what element to replace in our kits?

Io ho molti campioni di snare, kick, hi-hat, etc. e mi piacerebbe usarli dentro drum kit già mappati, così da risparmiare molto tempo. Solo questo
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Efx insert
June 15, 2020, 08:46:42 AM
Quote from: Dan on June 15, 2020, 08:17:59 AM
Yes, this will come.
What FX do you plan to add?

Soprattutto ampli per chitarra e basso, comp per drum.
Italian vArranger forum / Efx insert
June 15, 2020, 07:48:09 AM
Nuovo input per Dan: nuovi slot efx insert. Uno indipendente per ogni traccia sarebbe il top.
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Editing Drum kit
June 15, 2020, 07:44:56 AM
Quote from: Dan on June 13, 2020, 10:16:56 PM
Yes, you can use your own sounds together with our sounds :

Look at this : section SF2

Utilizzo già sf2 miei costruiti con Poliphone.
In realtà io vorrei utilizzare il tuo drum kit, ma sostituendo alcuni elementi. Ad esempio prendere un drum kit Genos del tuo banco e sostituire solo i campioni di snare o ride. E poi salvare tutto come un nuovo drum kit.
In questo modo, avrei una completa compatibilità ma con possibilità di editing.
Italian vArranger forum / Editing Drum kit
June 13, 2020, 04:51:49 PM
E se fosse possibile aggiungere e/o sostituire wave dei drum kit dei banchi di suoni di Dan?? Così da personalizzare, senza perdere la compatibilità con gli arranger emulati.
Ciao Dan
Vorrei collegare il mio controller midi per scegliere i tasti OTS, ma non trovo nulla nel menù "controller".
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: COVID-19
April 03, 2020, 08:42:43 PM
From Italy: Andrà tutto bene❤
Roland Styles / Re: BK-9 internal styles
January 15, 2020, 10:04:02 PM
 ;)Thanks ;)
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Song-styles "from Italy"
December 18, 2019, 10:07:04 PM
Grazie mille.
Quote from: Dan on November 28, 2019, 04:20:38 PM
Actually, we have Pan, Reverb and Chorus controllers, only available on the current selected track. Not on each track.
This has never been asked, because it is very rare to change such settings outside the editing time
However, the Volumes and ON/OFF and SOLO are available on each tracks

I thought I was doing something wrong ;D
I've already tried it but it didn't work. ; :(
Hi everybody.
Could anyone tell me how I can set Varranger to receive pan, rev and chorus messages from the 24 rotary pots of the novation ??
Pino Palladino.
Ketron Styles / Re: A lot of styles
November 05, 2018, 10:15:45 AM
Grazie e a buon rendere. ;D
Quote from: Dan on October 16, 2018, 09:06:49 PM

Seems like you recorded the SD1000 ?

I thought you wanted to sing a bit with a microphone :)

This also. But at this time my voice in my home, was not very tolerated.  ;D
I've just tried the beta you sent me: Wonderful job Dan.

Attached the first test done ;D
Quote from: Dan on October 16, 2018, 03:42:44 PM
Sent you something to try

Thanks again Dan
Can the rec function capture the sound card input?
When the track Is clean, I can't load sound from INS Windows. But if I use the keys of the voice section the track is activated and I can load from Ins window.
This happens to me.
If I try to load a sound to play real time on right 2/3/4 or left 2/3 the track remains empty.
What am I wrong? :(
The vArranger² Software Forum / 90sPowerBall yamaha style
September 08, 2018, 05:01:35 PM
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: demo version
August 22, 2018, 08:41:41 PM
Quote from: Dan on August 22, 2018, 06:27:25 PM
It depends on the style.
If the style has different sounds for each variation, then you can change for each variation

if I understand correctly, there must already be a change program message in the variation.
It's right?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: demo version
August 22, 2018, 10:42:31 AM
Is it also possible to change the programs of the style tracks in the different patterns (example: track bass - variation A= finger bass / variation B = pick bass)?
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Name track sound
August 13, 2018, 06:00:25 PM
I'm trying it. You have done a wonderful job ;)
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Name track sound
August 13, 2018, 04:42:36 PM
I just came back from the holidays. Check now
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Name track sound
August 13, 2018, 03:58:12 PM
Hello Dan. I would be very happy to try this your new version and give you feedback on this and other eventual news.

Quote from: Dan on August 12, 2018, 03:00:08 PM

I have released a new beta version that allows you to display instrument track name from INS file

How it works :

- Select one of the 16 tracks (but not the drums 1 track)
- Right clic on this track and select the MIDI OUT for this track connected to your external synth
- go the INS window, and select your INS file and INS synth here
- Then check the box : CONNECTED TO MIDI OUT

You can select a different INS file/synth for the DRUMS 1 track, because sometimes drums banks need to be separated
To do this :
- Select the drums 1 track
- Right clic on it and select the MIDI OUT
- select the INS file/synth for the drums
- And check the box to connect

Done !

Note, it also automatically display the sound names of some VSTi that send their instrument list to th VST host. To my knowledge, only the good old Hypersonic 2 VST is doing it,

As it is a early beta version, I don't want to send it to all vArranger users, but for now only to people who want to test and need this new feature.
Please tell me.....



The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: demo version
August 07, 2018, 06:41:56 AM
Pat does not exist a demo version 1.16 or even 1.18. What you're using is probably a crack version.
Quote from: Dan on January 03, 2018, 09:30:51 PM
If you buy vArranger, I can add a settings in the ini file, to never change the volume of the megavoices...  Only for the experimented users....

Is this file already ready? I have moxf, for me it would be great.
Grazie Dan, ottima notizia. ;D
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Name track sound
August 03, 2018, 04:02:17 PM
 :D Thanks Dan
Ripropongo sul forum italiano questo post già sottoposto, ma senza grande fortuna su quello inglese.
Quando si utilizzano piu midi out, gli strumenti caricati sfruttando midiout 2 oppure 3, non appaiono sulla traccia.  Questa ripropone i nomi del corrispondente program change del instrument a cui è collegato il midi out 1. Come se il software riuscisse a vedere una sola data list di suoni per volta, solo quella connessa al primo midi out. Esiste soluzione al problema?
Up. :D
The vArranger² Software Forum / Name track sound
July 08, 2018, 06:21:17 PM
Hello Dan.
When using multiple midi out, the track marks the name only of the sound lisl of the instruments loaded on the midi out 1, but does not follow the .ins files of the instrument loaded on the other outs.
There is a solution for this?
Ps. see attached picture.
Italian vArranger forum / Il vostro setup per vArranger
January 29, 2018, 07:00:22 AM
Da una domanda fatta al buon Claudio de Cubellis mi è venuta l'idea per questo topic: Qual è il vostro setup per valorizzare al meglio il vArranger?
Sono in fase di ristrutturazione del setup e mi piacerebbe rubacchiare qualche idea a chi lo usa già da un pò.
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Primo topic italiano
January 29, 2018, 06:56:50 AM
Grande Claudio. Finalmente c'incontriamo nel forum giusto. ;D
IL tuo set è sempre lo stesso o hai aggiunto nuovi tasselli? 
Potremmo aggiungerlo alla mia lista dei desideri? ;D
The vArranger² Software Forum / Moxf vst editor
January 26, 2018, 11:15:55 AM
Does anyone know if it is possible to run the moxf editor like vst in vArranger?
Sto per prendere questo synth yamaha e vorrei sapere se può interagire con varranger come vst.
Qualcuno ha già provato a farlo? Funziona?
Italian vArranger forum / Re: Primo topic italiano
January 26, 2018, 10:16:16 AM
Buongiorno a tutti. Spero che questa nuova sezione possa aver la meritata eco.
Mi accodo a djTony nella speranza di creare una sorta di wish list che Dan possa tenere in debita considerazione quando lavorerà per i futuri aggiornamenti.
Qualcosa l'ho anticipata di recente sul forum inglese: La possibilità ad esempio di utilizzare il synth interno come vst in modo da poter ad esempio editare gli style da cubase ascoltando le modifiche con i banchi suoni di Dan, che altrimenti non sono esportabili.
Aggiungo qualche insert efx in più e magari due o tre controller midi virtuali programmabili per traccia in modo da assegnare parametri personali di controllo verso vst o hardware esterni.
Insomma lavora da fare ce ne sarebbe. Speriamo solo che Dan abbia tempo e modo di inseguire i nostri desideri. ;D
Hi Dan and happy new year for you and for all users of this forum.
I would like to inaugurate a new series of topics: The wish list.
I use cubase to edit my yamaha styles. But I can not use your sound banks inside cubase, so to edit styles becomes very difficult.
My question is: It will be possible to have a vsti version of vAsynth??

Thanks for the attention

Pino Palladino
Hi Dan. Could you send me a latest version of vArranger?
Can I use with my korg sound Bank?


Hi Dan
Which pen driver is best and what size must have for the activation key usb?
Thanks Dan for your reply.

What's the format of these sound bank and what formats load the varranger soft synth?

The vArranger² Software Forum / Sound Bank sf2 size.
August 03, 2017, 02:42:15 PM
Hello Dan.
I read about your Sf2 bank to be loaded into varranger.
Exactly, what arranger emulate and what are their dimensions?

Another info. What's the mode of buying varranger with activation key usb?

Hello Dan
There will be a pattern editor in version 1.18?
so no need to create new maps?

One last question: Is it difficult to change an program change or volume to a track in the style and save the edit style??

Thanks again for your attention and courtesy.

what's the function of the mapping windows (gm-gm2-xg-etc) in the "midi-out" menu?
If I use the virtual synth or another hardware synth (motif, moxf, fantom, krome, etc), which mapping I can select?
Thank you for your immediate availability.

I try to explain better:
- I have seen from the screenshot that each MIDI out support some mapping presets: Gm -Gm2-XG - etc.
  I can create my own mapping for the midi out with my .ins?
- The virtual synths can work only in gm2 or the mapping is free?


Hi Dan
I'm seriously considering buying the varranger2.
I would like to use it but only with my sound banks sf2.
Three questions:
- I could create additional midi out with custom .ins?
- What is currently the memory limit of the virtual synth?
- Its sounds are played in streaming or loaded into RAM?

Thanks for your attention and forgive my bad English.
