
Version 1.20 is ready to download

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Messages - necdetdoni

hi Dan..can you send to me the new version please..thanks and regards
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Need Advice..
April 14, 2017, 11:06:28 PM
yep :) was hard decision indeed...
I used windows 10 32 bit (on my old Dell laptop) with Presonus audiobox itwo sound card
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Need Advice..
April 14, 2017, 01:51:37 PM
After than SD2 "firmware update" with a little bit courage, the problem fixed...
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Need Advice..
March 18, 2017, 07:21:51 PM
Dan,i saw this in the French forum
(thanks for google translate :) )

I think, this is the my problem..
now what is your advice?
Thank you :)
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Need Advice..
March 17, 2017, 05:00:22 PM
I have problems all Yamaha styles..
I use midi bridge function on m audio axiom 49 midi worked many years as perfect..
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Need Advice..
March 17, 2017, 02:01:38 PM
Dan,i tried the new version but i got many problems..
1)Varranger can't recognize axiom..after many attempt it worked..
2)many times Varranger freezed..impossible to close..
3)sometimes i see midi signal but no sound..
4)when it work i see same problem;perc channel play with piano not drums..
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Need Advice..
March 17, 2017, 12:28:34 PM
Hi Dan thanks for reply
I use Sd2 with Ketron SD2 mode this mode perc track does not work as it should be..
The vArranger² Software Forum / Need Advice..
March 16, 2017, 10:29:21 PM
I use Varranger with Sd2 + Surface pro 3 + Axiom midi keyboard

When i play a *pat file everything works ok with Sd2

but if i play a style from Psr-710 files "perc" channel play with wrong instrument (e.g. piano) i can not put a drum kit to the channel

But if i change midi out to "vArranger software synth" perc channel play right notes with a drum set..

Why can't do this with Sd2 ?

Thanks for help..
Hi Dan

can you put me in list..Thanks
Quote from: Dan on May 13, 2015, 09:25:23 AM
Do you play with a sax player, or you are the sax player? :)

i am trying to be a sax player :)
Dear Dan and Lylo,Thank you for helps..

the problem is solved with your advices.."sending on midi channel 1" tick in vst settings fixed the problem

Thank you again  :D
The vArranger² Software Forum / I need advice
May 13, 2015, 12:00:17 AM
Hi friends..i need advice about my setup problem..

My Varranger setup;

Midi in 1;Axiom 49 midi keyboard and midi out 1; Varranger softsynth (use Sf2 sounds)

Midi in 2 ;Akai Ewi 5000 and Midi out 2; VST (use Mr.Sax in Kontak player)

Problem is; The Ewi's pitcbend don't work in this there a solution for fix it?

Or how can use Varranger (with midi keyboard) and Kontak player (with Ewi) in the same time? (with asio4all)

Hi..can i have the new version please..Thank you
Thank you for quick response Dan..
Hi there..
Dan could send me link of the new version please ..Thanks
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: version 1.17
February 15, 2015, 03:42:13 PM
Hi Dan

Can i have version 1.18 please..

Thank you

Dan knows best.. but in my idea; you can create a .sf2 file with your loops than you can use in Varranger..if you like to use in perc. track you must edit your style..
Thank you Dan ..
Great news Dan..Thanks for your works..can you send me the new version of Varranger asap please..
Regards Necdet
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Program demo ?
September 26, 2014, 03:39:41 PM
programda sf2 sesler ve 16 kanal vsti kullanabilirsin..yada midi bağlantı ile istediğin modül yada cihaza bağlayabilirsin.ketron yamaha roland ve korg ritmlerini hiç bir işlem yapmadan çaldırma imkanın var..


you can use sf2 sounds and 16 channels vst instruments in Varranger or you can connect via midi cable to any hardware module or keyboard..Varranger can read and play ketron yamaha roland and korg styles without conversion..
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: Program demo ?
September 26, 2014, 12:23:57 PM
Gökhan merhaba..
Programın demo sürümü yok..Demolarını youtube üzerinden izleyebilirsin..


Hi Gokhan,

there is no demo version of can find many demos from youtube..
Hi Dan
please send me a copy of 1.18..thanks..
Quote from: Lylo on February 24, 2014, 10:31:41 AM

me to, I use vArranger with Cantabile since two years ago.
But now is more simple and comfortable with the vsti in the software.
I'm really excited by this new feature (and the vAsynth), only in Beta test now but soon in standard version.

I make a backing track for a singer with this new feature : "You do something to me"
(the original song )

It's just for work in progress at home but I think is interesting because that's made in two hours (song chord and Yamaha style).

And the sounds vsti are not necessarely expensive :

Drums canal 10 VSTI : Uviworkstation - DrumTasteFree (AcousticSamples) - freeware
Drums canal 9 vAsynth : Live drum "Pop" - Virtual Sd2 made by magali
Bass VSTI :  Uviworkstation - West Indies Bass long-light - freeware
Guitar steel vAsynth :  Guitar "pop" - soundfont from web revised by Lylo and magali
Guitar disto VSTI : Luxonix Purity - (commercial product)
Nappes vAsynth : soundfont from web revised by Lylo
Piano VSTI : Uviworkstation - Grand piano collection "Japanese Grand Piano - (commercial product)

I have taking the Japanese Grand Piano but for the same result, I can take the "Splendid Piano" (free soundfont 250mo), same thing for the disto guitar.

Hi where can i find virtual sd2 made by magali..thanks..
hi.tonight i upgraded my laptop from windows 8 to windows when i open varranger it stay loading screen than giving me numbers ..Dan any solution please?
Did you see the right corner off the page :) Thanks Dan...
yes..i like to see differeces..please send me a link..thaks
i had motorola xoom..better than ipad for pdfs..but i sold...
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: SD4 and vArranger
August 25, 2012, 04:34:16 PM
1.Midi out from Axiom to midi in(in #2-voice) on SD4

this connection is wrong on your setup ... sd4 and axio must be connected to laptop with usb... do not connect axio to sd4 with midi cable!!!
The vArranger² Software Forum / Re: SD4 and vArranger
August 25, 2012, 10:34:02 AM

usb  from axio to laptop
usb from sd4 to laptop
in varranger; choose axio for midi input and choose sd4 for midi out
then enjoy...
over 500 midi files+styles+lyrics and chords
i really dont know where can i download..
audya ins