
Version 1.20 is ready to download

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Started by Dan, April 28, 2010, 02:19:43 PM

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New function added to the version 0.69 :

You can load 2 mp3 songs and use the crossfader to go smoothly from the first song to the second one.

For that, you have on the orange screen 2 desks.
A and B

Just click on the desired target desk to place the song on it, and click on the song.

So it's a nice plus to be able to load mp3 songs or mp3 playbacks, like styles or midifiles, or karaoke....
in just one click, and chain the songs with the crossfader with no music stops, so the people can continue dancing.

Full controll of all thoses features added in the Controller screen. in the section DJ.



Hi Dan,
Does this concept only work for MP3 or will it work for midi files as well.



Hi Lionel,

For now it's only between 2 audio files (mp3...)

We cannot do the same with 2 midifiles with just one SD2, because when you start the playing of the second midifile, it will send to the same 16 SD2 midi channels all controllers info, like program changes, volumes...
It is not easy to do.

Maybe with the Ketron SD4, and it's 2 Midi engine and it's 32 channels we can do it, or 2 SD2s, or...

I am thinking about it.

But if someone find any interrest to mix between Style to MP3, or Midifile to MP3, I can add this feature.



Hi Dan,
That's a fair reason.

Now my question is, using MP3 is digital based music and SD2 is midi signals only, therefore using MP3 files is using an underlying MP3 player via soundcard not via SD2 or did I miss something. :-\ ???



Yes :)

You have to plug your PC sound card outputs to the  mixer with the Ketron SD2 outputs.



Hi Dan,
I thought so, we can use some good Mp3 and play sd2 with it. Sometimes getting good MP3 setup to song is not easy not like the versatility of midi.



SD2 can only receive Midi information
Mp3 is audio


Hi Dan,
I already knew that SD2 was completly midi only and I was basically questioning why an MP3 on vArranger which was primarily geared towards SD2 but I see your reasoning of expanding vArranger past just SD2 and midi, which I think is a great idea.

Anyway, any knew idea that is usable is a great idea. ;D



I have a question along those lines.  In addition to styles, I too use midi files and MP3, but I use CD&G loaded to my hardrive. Since I have to use another program, should I be able to minimize vArranger and play CD&G in another window without interferering with vArranger ?  There has been times I would go back to the arranger window and it was non responsive, and I would have to reboot.

I am just wondering whether to avoid multiple windows when all can't be done on vArranger.


Yes I want to make vArranger the complete tool for the live musician :)

So all aspect of the live music playing will be added to make the musician life easier, and not to have to run many softwares...

Arranger is the first part, but also, midifiles, karaoke, sheetmusics, mp3s.... and any ideas are welcome

Bernie, you can run many softwares with vArranger. Just don't use the same midi ports than vArranger.

I just corrected a problem who can occur on some CPU when they change their frequency for energy saving (for the next version 0.71) The arranger was not starting anymore.

Bernie, can you send me one of your CD&G file? I want to see if it can be added easiy on varranger.



That would sure help, Dan.  Will do


After analysis, the cdg format is a quite strange video format.

I will add it to the vArranger futures features list.

But it's not on my priority task list :)


For the masses, I agree.  Midi Karaoke would be for important for musicians.


When I plug my PC sound card to the mixer for MP3 playing I get a Humm/Buzz due to ground loop.
I removed the Earth wire connection on my laptop and the problem is solved.
Has anyone else had to do this?
I understand that normal practice is to only have one unit earthed (amplifier) in PA equipment to prevent any ground loop humm. 


I had the same problem with my previous low cost computer.
I am almost sure that this will not exists with my Apple MacBookPro


HI Jan,

Common problem, that ##$$$$ hum/buzz!!

Yes I read alot about that and there appears to be a couple of ways to get rid of it

1. Just as you did-remove earth prong

2. buy something to filter that hum / buzz out

Most go with No.1

I have a DI box which filters 75% but not perfect - because I bought it originally to input guitar to PC

Anybody with good ideas please pass them on - as the DI box still allows some anooying hum/buzz thru
particularly when the PA/Amp system amplifies it up



One caveat to the removing of the ground plug is that it be plugged into a strip that is grounded.  You can buy a 3 into 2 adapter for under $1.


Apparently here in Aussie Land I read that is against the law, that is why I cannot find a two prong adapter,
even from 3 to 2.
